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Policy for Coaches
- Treat all players and their family with respect at all times.
- Promote a climate of mutual support among players.
- Encourage and facilitate players’ independence and make them responsible for their own behaviour.
- Involve the players in decisions that affect them.
- Provide positive feedback to players in a caring sensitive manner to their needs. Avoid overly negative feedback.
- Refrain from any form of personal abuse towards your players; this includes verbal, physical and emotional abuse. Be alert to any forms of abuse directed towards your players from any other source while they are in your care.
- Refrain from any harassment towards your players.
- Avoid situations with your players that could be construed as compromising.
- At all times use appropriate training methods, which benefit the players and avoid those which could be harmful.
- Create a positive environment.
- Set achievable goals.
- Involve all players in all aspects of training and playing.
- Teach skills by demonstrating.
- Guide and nurture all skill level players.
- Promote team loyalty and respect.
- Maintain a fair and positive team structure.
- Abide by and lead an example in all aspects of associates and club guidelines and regulations.